Information on privacy & cookie policy

Information about the company, org. number

Information on privacy & cookie policy Information about the company, org. number The company Brokamåla Gård, org. number 690708-3999 is responsible for the personal data processed in accordance with this privacy policy. The company is committed to protecting your personal data, and we therefore attach great importance to protecting your privacy. The purpose of the privacy policy is to explain how Brokamåla Gård processes your personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) (‘GDPR’). If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, please contact

Cookies uses cookies on the website. A cookie is a small data file with text that is saved in your browser. There are two types of cookies, permanent and temporary (‘session cookies’). Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile phone for a certain period of time until you, or the server that sent them, delete them. Session cookies are stored temporarily and disappear when you close your browser.

Om du vill inaktivera cookies på dina enheter finns en funktion i varje webbläsare eller i inställningarna på din telefon där du kan välja att blockera samtliga.

Content from other websites and third-party cookies

Brokamå may have content from other websites, such as videos from youtube, these work in exactly the same way as if you had visited their website. We refer to their privacy policy.

Statistics cookies

Statistical cookies allow us to measure how our website is performing, for example by counting the number of visitors and seeing what products our visitors are looking at and interested in. This helps us to improve and develop our services and products.

For this purpose, we may collect information about your device, such as your screen resolution and browser, and information about your internet connection, such as your IP address.

Through statistical cookies, we also record the page from which our visitors come to our website and visitors' browsing behaviour on our websites, such as when and for how long visits take place on our websites, which features are used and which products visitors look at.

Personal data that is saved

What is personal data?

Personal data is information used to describe an individual. It includes any kind of information that can be linked to a person directly or indirectly. Examples of personal data include name, address, telephone number, social security number and e-mail address.

Purpose of the personal data

The information Brokamåla Gård collects about you is used to provide you with optimal personalised service. The information helps to better fulfil your individual needs and for the necessary data we need to offer services.

How we handle personal data

Only data relevant to our business is held in our system. We regularly delete personal data that is no longer relevant to our business. We do not pass on information about our guests to any third party.

Your rights

You have the right to see what data we use in our system. You also have the right to have your data corrected, deleted or anonymised. Please contact us if you need help with anything.

Changes to the Privacy Policy reserves the right to edit and update this policy at any time and you should regularly visit this webpage for the latest information.
Last updated: 2024-04-21

Contact information

Brokamåla Farm
+46 (0)709 149 394